Each year one of the Branches hosts IFA’s flagship event: the annual Congress; an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with respect to international fiscal law. The Congresses offer scope for useful contacts with leading experts in the fiscal field, both as part of the official programme and in the course of private discussions.
Two main subjects are selected by the Permanent Scientific Committee, which form the basis of IFA's Cahiers and plenary seminars, often followed by a companion seminar. The "Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International" contain IFA Branch reports and the General reports on these subjects.
The annual Congresses attract 1500-2200 participants and their accompanying persons. The Scientific programme is supplemented by a choice of seminars, covering more topical subjects, whether international in character or focused on the law of the jurisdiction where the Congress is being held. In the evening participants are invited to join a scale of cultural and social events.