A complete list of the volumes published since 1939:
1947 The Hague, NetherlandsVol. 3: Tax treaties since the outbreak of the war Vol. 4: Trans- and postwar tax legislation Vol. 5: Double taxation conventions concluded by the United States since 1939 Vol. 6: Trans- and postwar tax legislation (France and Belgium) V. 1/6 (one combined volume) |
1948 Rome, ItalyVol. 7: Summary record of the 1947 Congress Vol. 8: Summary record of the 1947 Congress Vol. 9: Computation of taxable profits (part 1) Vol. 10: Computation of taxable profits (part 2) Vol. 11: Effects and benefits of tax conventions V. 7/11 (one combined volume) Vol. 12: Summary record of the 1948 Congress (has never been published) Vol. 13: Summary record of the 1948 Congress (has never been published) |
1950 MonacoVol. 14: The effect of fluctuations in the value of currencies upon taxable income, from the national and international viewpoint (Monaco) Vol. 15: Tax obstacles to European economic integration and proposals for removing them V. 14/15 (one combined volume) |
1951 Zürich, SwitzerlandVol. 16: Summary record of the 1951 Congress (has never been published) Vol. 17: The fiscal domicile of the physical persons as regards direct taxes Vol. 18: Juridical interpretation of treaties concerning double taxation and necessity or advisability of establishing an international fiscal jurisdiction Vol. 19: Experiences in the field of extraordinary property taxes |
1952 Brussels, BelgiumVol. 20: Summary record of the 1951 Congress; Belgian report about 'Fiscal domicile of physical persons as regards direct taxes'; Italian report about 'Fiscal burden and production costs of industrial enterprises' Vol. 21: Comparison of tax provisions for reserves and depreciation allowances. The incidence of fiscal and parafiscal charges on the costs of production Vol. 22: Tax concessions to be made by a country with a view to attracting capital and enterprise from foreign countries - including special problems of sea- and airtransport enterprises; Multilateral conventions between the countries of Western Europe in order to avoid multiple, extraterritorial and discriminatory taxes |
1953 Paris, FranceVol. 23: Summary record of the 1952 Congress Vol. 24: The reform of taxation on turnover, transactions and sales in the various countries of Western Europe, with a view to their unification. The different conceptions, whether already accepted or possible, for defining the fiscal value of tangible goods (the subjects should deal at the same time with the valuation of immovables, of goodwill, stock and cash and of non-quoted securities). Fiscal measures capable of facilitating international capital transfers within the European framework or world economy or of a more limited continental economy Vol. 25: Summary record of the 1953 Congress |
1954 Cologne, German Federal RepublicVol. 26: Tax measures to facilitate international movements of capital. Tax measures likely to encourage private savings both in movable and immovable property. International companies in national and international tax law; the influence of the existing relations between undertakings established in different countries on the determination of the taxable profits in each of these countries. Vol. 27: Summary record of the 1954 Congress |
1955 Amsterdam, NetherlandsVol. 28: The common assessment of income tax for members of one household. International double taxation in the field of turnover tax Vol. 29: Double tax burden on earned and distributed profits of limited companies, with Annex Vol. 30: Summary record of the 1955 Congress |
1956 Rome, ItalyVol. 31: The international double taxation in the field of turnover taxes from the legal and economic points of view Vol. 32: The influence of the legal form, the nature and the size of enterprises on their tax regime and vice versa (from the national and international point of view) Vol. 33: The juridical guarantees of the taxpayer vis-à-vis the fisc. Survey of the Mitchell B. Carroll Prize Studies 1955 Vol. 34: Summary record of the 1956 Congress |
1957 Vienna, AustriaVol. 34a: The juridical guarantees of the taxpayer vis-à-vis the fisc. The position of permanent establishments in national and international fiscal law; the concept of permanent establishments and allocation of capital and profits among the various permanent establishments of the same enterprise. Taxation of intellectuel and industrial property (study theme) Vol. 35: The number 35 has not been used |
1958 Knokke, BelgiumVol. 36: Taxation of revenue from patents, trademarks, and designs, particularly from the international point of view Vol. 37: The onus and methods of proof (income tax law). The balance sheet and account in commercial and fiscal matters Vol. 38: The number 38 has not been used |
1959 Madrid, SpainVol. 39: The verification of tax liability; its legal, psychological and economic aspects Tax measures designed to facilitate international capital movements Vol. 40: Unilateral measures for the avoidance of double taxation Vol. 41: Summary record of the 1959 Congress |
1960 Basel, SwitzerlandVol. 42: The treatment of capital gains for tax purposes; The interpretation of the double taxation conventions; The treatment of debts and interests thereon in international taxation |
1961 Jerusalem, IsraelVol. 43: General reports on the two subjects of the 1961 Congress, viz.: Unilateral measures for the avoidance of double taxation, especially as regards fiscal aspects of the relationship between capital-exporting countries and countries in process of development, and: The taxation of interconnected companies Vol. 44: Unilateral measures for the avoidance of double taxation, especially as regards fiscal aspects of the relationship between capital-exporting countries and countries in process of development (national reports) Vol. 45: The taxation of interconnected companies (national reports) Vol. 46: Summary record of the 1961 Congress |
1962 Athens, GreeceVol. 47a: The fiscal regime applying on the importation and exportation of goods Vol. 47b: Fiscal problems arising in connection with investment trusts of international character |
1963 Paris, FranceVol. 48a: The comparative tax treatment of process of merger and capital reconstruction of enterprises Vol. 48b: Fiscal measures in capital-exporting countries for the purpose of encouraging investments in countries in the process of development |
1964 Hamburg, German Federal RepublicVol. 49a: International problems of depreciation and valuation including revaluation for purposes of profits taxation Vol. 49b: The delimitation between the country of residence and other countries of the power to tax corporations and/or their shareholders Vol. 49c: Summary record of the 1964 Congress |
1965 London, United KingdomVol. 50a: The interpretation of tax laws with special reference to form and substance Vol. 50b: Advance rulings by the tax authorities at the request of a taxpayer |
1966 Lisbon, PortugalVol. 51a: The problems that pose on the fiscal plan of the movements of integration between countries as well as for grouped nations or non-grouped nations as for the multinational groupings (national reports) Vol. 51bc: Idem (general report) The fiscal treatment of the gratuitous distributions and its repercussions from the international viewpoint (national reports) Vol. 51d: Idem (general report) |
1967 Stockholm, SwedenVol. 52: Changes in the tax system as a part of stabilization policy - their technical and legal implications The development in different countries of the concept of a permanent establishment, notably from the point of view of the harmonization in future double Vol. 52a: Summary record of the 1967 Congress |
1968 Montevideo, UruguayVol. 53I: The reports between the structures of the fiscal systems and the economic development in the countries in process of development Vol. 53II: The territorial competence of the fiscal authorities in the field of succession and property taxes |
1969 Rotterdam, NetherlandsVol. 54a: The recognition of services and licence of incorporeal rights between parent companies and their foreign subsidiaries. Avoidance of double taxation in case of non-recognition by tax administrations (Rotterdam, Netherlands) Vol. 54b: The possibilities and disadvantages of extending national tax reduction measures, if any, to foreign scientific, educational or charitable institutions Vol. 54c: Addresses - Allocution d'ouverture par Prof. Dr. K.V. Antal, Président du Groupement néerlandais de l'IFA. Opening address by Dr. Mitchell B. Carroll, President of IFA. Address given by Dr. F.H.M. Grapperhaus, State Secetary of Finance at the opening session of the 23rd IFA Congress. Development in world shipping and the Dutch mercantile marine by J.J. Oyevaar, President of the Board of Directors of V.N.S. Tax treaties between developed and developing countries by Prof. Dr. Jan H. Christiaanse |
1970 Brussels, BelgiumVol. 55a: The multiple burden on dividends and shares by taxation on income and capital of both corporations and shareholders; possibilities of modification Vol. 55b: The national and especially international tax problems arising from the merger of enterprises |
1971 Washington, USAVol. 56a: The fiscal treatment of international investment trusts and mutual funds, having regard to the major regulatory and foreign exchange features in the various countries Vol. 56b: Criteria for the allocation of items of income and expense between related corporations in different states, whether or not parties to tax conventions |
1972 Madrid, SpainVol. 57a: The income, fortune and estate tax treatment of household units Vol. 57b: ax consequences of changes in foreign exchange rates |
1973 Lausanne, SwitzerlandVol. 58a: The taxation of enterprises with permanent establishments abroad Vol. 58b: Partnerships and joint enterprises in international tax law |
1974 Mexico City, MexicoVol. 59a: Tax consequences of domestic and foreign interests' establishing corporations as vehicles for joint ventures Vol. 59b: Tax problems resulting from the temporary activity abroad of employees of enterprises with international operations |
1975 London,United KingdomVol. 60a: Tax treatment of the importation and exportation of technology, know-how, patents, other intangibles and technical assistance Vol. 60b: Allocation of expenses in international arm's length transactions of related companies |
1976 Jerusalem, IsraelVol. 61a: Tax incentives as an instrument for achievement of governmental goals Vol. 61b: The definition of capital gains in various countries |
1977 Vienna, AustriaVol. 62a: Inflation and taxation Vol. 62b:Determination of the taxable profit of corporations |
1978 Sydney, AustraliaVol. 63a: Taxation of the extractive industries Vol. 63b: Difference in tax treatment between local and foreign investors and effects of international treaties |
1979 Copenhagen, DenmarkVol. 64a: The taxation of transfers of family-held enterprises on death or inter vivos Vol. 64b: The effect of losses in one country on the income tax treatment in other countries of an enterprise or of associated enterprises engaged in international activities |
1980 Paris, FranceVol. 65a: The dialogue between the tax administration and the taxpayer up to the filing of the tax return Vol. 65b: Rules for determining income and expenses as domestic or foreign |
1981 Berlin, German Federal RepublicVol. 66a: Mutual agreement Ð procedure and practice Vol. 66b: Unilateral measures to prevent double taxation |
1982 Montreal, CanadaVol. 67a: The tax treatment of interest in international economic transactions Vol. 67b: Taxation of payments to non-residents for independent personal services |
1983 Venice, ItalyVol. 68a: Tax Avoidance/Tax Evasion Vol. 68b: International problems in the field of general taxes on sales of goods and services |
1984 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaVol. 69a: Fiscal obstacles to the international flow of capital between a parent and its subsidiary Vol. 69b: Social security contributions as a fiscal burden on enterprises engaged in international activities |
1985 London, United KingdomVol. 70a: The assessment and collection of tax from non-residents Vol. 70b: International double taxation of inheritances and gifts |
1986 New York, USAVol. 71a: Transfer of assets into and out of a taxing jurisdiction Vol. 71b: Currency fluctuations and international double taxation |
1987 Brussels, BelgiumVol. 72a: The fiscal residence of companies Vol. 72b: Tax problems of the liquidation of corporations |
1988 Amsterdam, NetherlandsVol. 73a: Recognition of foreign enterprises as taxable entities Vol. 73b: Tax treatment of computer software |
1989 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilVol. 74a: The disregard of a legal entity for tax purposes Vol. 74b: Administrative and compliance costs of taxation |
1990 Stockholm, SwedenVol. 75a: Taxation of cross border leasing Vol. 75b: International mutual assistance through exchange of information |
1991 Barcelona, SpainVol. 76a: The determination of the tax base for real property Vol. 76b: Protection of confidential information in tax matters |
1992 Cancun, MexicoVol. 77a: Transfer pricing in the absence of comparable market prices Vol. 77b: Tax consequences of international acquisitions and business combinations |
1993 Florence, ItalyVol. 78a: Interpretation of double taxation conventions Vol. 78b: Non-discrimination rules in international taxation |
1994 Toronto, CanadaVol. 79a: Deductibility of interest and other financing charges in computing income Vol. 79b: National and international tax consequences of demergers |
1995 Cannes, FranceVol. 80a: International income tax problems of partnerships Vol. 80b: Tax aspects of derivative financial instruments |
1996 Geneva, SwitzerlandVol. 81a: Principles for the determination of the income and capital of permanent establishments and their applications to banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions Vol. 81b: International aspects of thin capitalization |
1997 New Delhi, IndiaVol. 82a: The taxation of income derived from the supply of technology Vol. 82b: The taxation of investment funds |
1998 London, United KingdomVol. 83a: Tax treatment of corporate losses Vol. 83b: Practical issues in the application of double tax conventions |
1999 Eilat, IsraelVol. 84a: Taxation of non-profit organizations Vol. 84b: Advance rulings |
2000 Munich, GermanyVol. 85a: Tax treatment of hybrid financial instruments in cross-border transactions Vol. 85b: International tax aspects of deferred remunerations |
2001 San Francisco, USAVol. 86a: Taxation of income derived from electronic commerce Vol. 86b: Limits on the use of low-tax regimes by multinational businesses : current measures and emerging trends |
2002 Oslo, NorwayVol. 87a: Form and substance in tax law Vol. 87b: The tax treatment of transfer of residence by individuals |
2003 Sydney, AustraliaVol. 88a: Trends in company/shareholder taxation : single or double taxation? Vol. 88b: Consumption taxation and financial services |
2004 Vienna, AustriaVol. 89a: Double non-taxation Vol. 89b: Group taxation |
2005 Buenos AiresVol. 90a: Source and residence: new configuration of their principles Vol. 90b: Tax treatment of international acquisitions of businesses |
2006 Amsterdam, NetherlandsVol. 91a: The tax consequences of restructuring of indebtedness (debt work-outs) Vol. 91b: The attribution of profits to permanent establishments |
2007 Kyoto, JapanVol. 92a: Transfer pricing and intangibles Vol. 92b: Conflicts in the attribution of income to a person |
2008 Brussels, BelgiumVol. 93a: Non-discrimination at the crossroads of international taxation Vol. 93b: New tendencies in tax treatment of cross-border interest of corporations |
2009 Vancouver, CanadaVol. 94a: Is there a permanent establishment? Vol. 94b: Foreign exchange issues in international taxation |
2010 Rome, ItalyVol. 95a: Tax treaties and tax avoidance: application of anti-avoidance provisions Vol. 95b: Death as a taxable event and its international ramifications |
2011 Paris, FranceVol. 96a: Cross-border business restructuring Vol. 96b: Key practical issues to eliminate double taxation of business income |
2012 Boston, United StatesVol. 97a: Enterprise services Vol. 97b: The debt-equity conundrum |
2013 Copenhagen, DenmarkVol. 98a: The taxation of foreign passive income for groups of companies Vol. 98b: Exchange of information and cross-border cooperation between tax authorities |
2014 Mumbai, IndiaVol. 99a: Cross-border outsourcing - issues, strategies and solutions Vol. 99b: Qualification of taxable entities and treaty protection |
2015 Basel, SwitzerlandVol. 100a: Tax incentives on Research & Development (R&D) Vol. 100b: The practical protection of taxpayers' fundamental rights |
2016 Madrid, SpainVol. 101a: Dispute resolution procedures in international tax matters Vol. 101b: The notion of tax and the elimination of international double taxation or double non-taxation |
2017 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilVol. 102a: Assessing BEPS: origins, standards and responses Vol. 102b: The future of transfer pricing |
2018 Seoul, Republic of KoreaVol. 103a: Seeking anti-avoidance measures of general nature and scope - GAAR and other rules Vol. 103b: Withholding tax in era of BEPS, CIVs and digital economy |
2019 London, United KingdomVol. 104a: Interest Deductibility: the implementation of BEPS Action 4 Vol. 104b: Investment funds |
2020 Virtual EventVol. 105a: Reconstructing the treaty network Vol. 105b: Exchange of information: issues, use and collaboration |
2022 Berlin, GermanyVol. 106a: Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law Vol. 106b: Big data and tax – domestic and international taxation of data driven business |
2023 Cancun, MexicoVol. 107a: Sharing and shifting of corporate losses - The new profit shifting? Vol. 107b: Good faith in domestic and international tax law |